This document is a Basel II Pillar III disclosure of Al Rajhi Banking and Investment Corporation, Saudi Arabia.
The financial results of all subsidiaries are fully consolidated in publishing the results of Al Rajhi Banking and Investment Corporation, Saudi Arabia (Al Rajhi Bank or the Bank). Brief descriptions of the subsidiary entities in the Group are as follows:
The Company was incorporated in 2007 in KSA as a wholly owned subsidiary of Al Rajhi Bank. The subsidiary engages in Mutual Fund Management, Brokerage and Corporate Finance.
The company was incorporated in 2000, for investment in Land, Building and Real Estate. It is 99% owned by Al Rajhi Bank.
The company was incorporated in 2006 providing Islamic banking services in Malaysia and is 100% owned by Al Rajhi Bank.
There are no restrictions, or other major impediments, on the transfer of funds or regulatory capital within the Group. However, this is subject to the satisfaction of all internal and external approvals by relevant authorities.
Capital of Al Rajhi Bank consists of:
1,500,000,000 fully paid-up ordinary shares of SAR 10 each.
Capital adequacy indicates the ability of the Bank to meet any contingency without compromising the interest of its depositors and the provision of credit across business cycles. The main objective of the capital management is to improve financial position and strengthen balance sheet of the Bank to support the growth in business. The Bank aims to maximise shareholders' value through an optimal capital structure that protects the stakeholders' interests under extreme stress conditions, and provides sufficient capacity for growth whilst ensuring compliance with the regulatory requirements and meeting shareholders' expectations.
The objectives of capital management are threefold:
For the measurement of Regulatory Capital Al-Rajhi Bank is governed by the requirements stipulated by SAMA. These require each Bank or Banking group to:
Accordingly, Al Rajhi is committed to implement the Basel II requirements and in this regard calculates capital adequacy ratio for credit risk (Standardized Approach), market risk (Standardized Approach) and operational risk (Standardized Approach) based upon guidelines issued by SAMA. This approach will be used until such time the Bank adopts the Internal Rating Based Approach (IRB), under Basel II.
The risk management framework is integral to the operations and culture of Al Rajhi Bank. Our integrated risk management framework is aimed at setting the best course of action under uncertainty by identifying, measuring, prioritizing, monitoring and managing idiosyncratic and systemic risks. The Bank manages risk through a framework of sound risk principles which include an optimum organizational structure, well defined policies and procedures, risk review and monitoring process that are closely aligned with our long-term business strategy. The framework is comprehensive and has been communicated from the Board of Directors down to the individual business lines.
Risk management activities in the Bank broadly take place at different hierarchical levels. The Board of Directors provide overall risk management oversight while the Executive Management of the Bank actively ensures that the risks are adequately identified, measured and managed.
The Credit & Risk Group is mandated to implement the risk framework as a function independent of commercial lines of business, working under the guidance of Board and its sub committees (Executive and Audit Committees). For regular monitoring and managing different risks, the Board has also formulated specialized committees at the Management level. These include High Management Committee, Risk Management Committee, Asset Liability Management Committee (ALCO), Credit Committee, Remedial Committee and Compliance Committee. These committees are constituted with senior executive management who meet regularly to deliberate on the matters pertaining to risk exposures under their respective supervision.
The Bank adopts annual risk appetite statements for the Enterprise as well as for the individual business segments and business performance is periodically monitored thereagainst.
The following guiding principles apply to all Credit & Risk Management activities:
The functional management of risk across the Bank is undertaken by the Credit & Risk Management Group headed by the Chief Risk Officer who reports to the CEO. The Credit & Risk Management Group comprises of Corporate Credit Management, Retail Credit Management, Enterprise Risk Management, Credit Review & Risk Strategy and Credit Administration Monitoring & Control.
The Credit & Risk Management Group activities include the following:
Credit Risk is the potential risk of loss of revenue and/or return of principal as a result of default or the inability of a borrower or counterparty to meet its contractual obligation.
The Bank implements a risk-based approval authority grid based on the customer's internal credit rating and quantum of facilities being proposed. This grid defines six levels of credit approval authorities. The ultimate authority to approve or decline credit proposals resides with the Board of Directors. The other five levels include Executive Committee and Credit Committees. Approval authority ensures that Credit decisions are commensurate with the Bank's risk appetite.
The Bank addresses Credit Risk, which is its most substantial component of risk, through the following process:
Concentration of exposures to counterparties, geographies and sectors are governed and monitored by guidelines and limits prescribed by the Credit Policy. Corporate borrowers are risk rated using an internal risk rating methodology to provide support for credit decisions. The Bank continually assesses and monitors credit exposures to ensure timely identification of potential problem credit.
Market risk is the risk of loss resulting from on and off-balance sheet positions as a result of adverse movements in market prices. The management of market risk is achieved by the identification, measurement, monitoring, control, and reporting of all activities that result from transactional exposures. Market risk in the Bank comprises of profit rate risk and foreign exchange risk.
Al Rajhi manages its market risk through a system of well-defined policies and procedures under the supervision of the ALCO with the objective of limiting the potential adverse effect on the asset quality and profitability of the Bank.
Liquidity risk refers to the Bank's potential inability to pay its debts and obligations when due. This situation may arise because of failure to convert assets into cash, an inability to procure sufficient funds, or funds being raised at an exceptionally high cost that may adversely affect the Bank's income and capital position. Liquidity risk may result in the Bank's inability to unwind or offset underlying risk in its asset bases. This may force the Bank to sell its assets at a loss due to insufficient market liquidity.
The Bank considers the following three main liquidity risk types:
ALCO is responsible for reviewing and recommending liquidity risk policies and ensuring that sound risk measurement systems are established in compliance with internal and regulatory requirements.
Operational Risk is the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, human error, systems, and/or external events. The Operational Risk Management Unit (ORMU) within the Credit & Risk Management Group facilitates the management of operational risk in the Bank.
ORMU facilitates the management of operational risk by setting policies, developing systems, tools and methodologies, overseeing their implementation and use within the business units and providing ongoing monitoring and guidance across the Bank. The Group Operational Risk Committee reports to the Risk Management Committee.
The followings are disclosures relating to credit risk management process in the Bank:
Credit risk is considered to be the most significant and pervasive risk for the Bank. The Bank takes on exposure to credit risk, which is the risk that the counterparty to a financial transaction will fail to discharge an obligation when due causing the Bank to incur a financial loss, or adversely impacting the timing of its cash flow. Credit risk arises principally from financing (credit facilities provided to customers) and investments. In addition, there is credit risk in certain off-balance sheet financial instruments, including guarantees, letters of credit, acceptances and commitments to extend credit. Credit risk monitoring and control is performed by the Credit & Risk Management Group which sets parameters and establishes thresholds around the Bank's financing activities.
The Bank's credit risk management process includes:
The Bank structures financial products in accordance with Shariah law. These products are classified as either financing assets or investments in the Bank 's consolidated balance sheet. In measuring credit risk of financed assets at a counterparty level, the Bank considers the overall credit worthiness of the customer based on a proprietary risk rating methodology. For corporate customers the risk rating methodology utilizes a 10-point scale based on quantitative and qualitative factors with seven performing categories (rated 1 to 7) and three non-performing categories (rated 8 to 10). The outcome of the risk rating process is intended to reflect counterparty credit quality and assist in determining suitable pricing commensurate with the associated risk .
The risk rating process assists the Bank to identify any weakness in the portfolio quality and make appropriate provisions in cases where credit quality has deteriorated and where losses are likely to arise. The Bank evaluates corporate obligors that are past due, to make appropriate allowances against impaired assets. For the remaining corporate loan portfolio, the Bank applies a loss rate to determine an appropriate allowance. The loss rate is determined based on historical experience of credit losses.
The Bank employs retail credit scoring models using an application or behavioural score within a detailed credit programme with well-defined parameters. The Bank relies on product-level quantitative and qualitative guidelines to monitor credit risk in its retail portfolio.
The responsibility for Credit & Risk Management is enterprise-wide in scope. Strong risk management is integrated into daily processes, decision-making and strategy setting, thereby making the understanding and management of credit risk the responsibility of every business segment.
In order to ensure objectivity and accountability, and to reinforce ownership, the following units within the Bank assist in the credit control process:
The monitoring and management of credit risk associated with financing or investments are enforced by setting approved credit limits. The Bank manages limits and controls concentrations of credit risk to countries, industries and to individual customer or company groups.
Concentrations of credit risk arises when a number of customers are engaged in similar business activities, activities in the same geographic region, or have similar economic features that would cause their ability to meet contractual obligations to be similarly affected by changes in economic, political or other conditions. Concentration of credit risk indicates the relative sensitivity of the Bank's performance to developments affecting a particular industry or geographical location.
The Bank seeks to manage its credit risk exposure through diversification of its portfolio to ensure there is no undue concentration of risk with individuals or groups of customers in specific geographical locations or economic sectors.
The Bank manages credit risk by placing limits on the level of risk acceptable in relation to individual customer, company groups, geographic and economic segments. Such risks are monitored on a regular basis and are subject to an annual or more frequent review when considered necessary.
Exposure to credit risk is also managed through regular analysis of the ability of customers and potential customers to meet financial and contractual repayment obligations and by revising credit limits where appropriate.
The Bank quantifies its credit default risk as part of Pillar I using the standardised approach. In this method, risk weights are defined for certain types of credit exposures primarily on the basis of external rating provided by rating agencies for obligors with no internal rating. The default risk is then quantified into the resulting capital requirement. Any additional capital required under Pillar II is calculated using proprietary developed internal models.
In calculating capital requirements, credit risk mitigation techniques are used to control credit risk. These include, but not limited to, financial collateral such as cash, cash equivalents and financial guarantees.
Under the guidelines of SAMA for the standardized approach, the Bank categorizes exposure for capital treatment as follows:
The Bank uses External Credit Assessment Institutions (ECAIs) ratings to supplement its own internal credit ratings. It maps the ECAIs ratings to the standardized risk weights for corporate entities, banks, Public Sector Entities (PSEs) and sovereign as per Basel II guidelines.
In computing capital requirements, certain types of facility exposures are assessed primarily on the basis of external rating provided by rating agencies.
The following ECAIs ratings are used by the Bank:
Not Applicable.
Risk management and mitigation of credit risk is core to the way the Bank operates, and the way it does business. Listed below are key ways the Bank manages and mitigates credit risk:
Not Applicable.
Not Applicable.
The Bank is exposed to market risks, the risk that the fair value of future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate due to changes in market prices. Market risk arises on profit rate based products, foreign currency, mutual funds and commodities. All are exposed to general and specific market movements and changes in the level of volatility of market rates or prices. The Bank uses the standardized model to compute the capital requirement for market risk. Market risk components applicable to Al Rajhi Bank are profit rate risk, foreign exchange risk, equity risk and commodity risk.
The Bank is exposed to the effects of fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates on its foreign currency positions that result from operations. The Board sets limits on the level of exposure by currency and at aggregate level, which are measured and monitored daily.
A substantial portion of the net foreign currency exposure to the Bank is in United States Dollars (USD), where the Saudi Riyal is pegged to the USD. The other currency exposures are not considered material and as a result the Bank is not exposed to major foreign currency risks.
Please see Table 14 for a detail explanation of profit rate risk.
Please see Table 13 for a detail explanation of equity/asset price risk.
Commodity risk refers to the risk of loss arising from adverse movements in commodity prices. The commodity portfolio is revalued on a regular basis to capture the changes in market value due to changing economic conditions.
As an Islamic bank, the Bank buys and sells commodities to facilitate customer transactions to ensure compliance with Sharia Board Rulings. The Bank does not conduct proprietary trading in commodities for its own profit. The Bank's exposure to commodity price volatility is usually intraday and limited to a short time period. This risk is not considered material for the Bank.
Not Applicable.
Al Rajhi Bank has adopted the standardized approach for calculating capital adequacy covering operational risk and defines operational risk as the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, human error systems and from external events. This definition includes legal risk, but excludes strategic and reputational risk.
Operational risk for the Bank arises from various areas including:
The Bank uses the standardized approach to calculate the minimum regulatory capital for operational risk.
Al Rajhi Bank has adopted the standardized approach for calculating capital adequacy for its equity position.
The Bank has equity exposure in the form of mutual funds and limited direct share investments. The mutual funds exposures arise when the Bank issues new seeded funds that are administered by asset managers in Al Rajhi Capital. While the Bank markets these funds to customers, it holds the seed capital on its books. These equities are considered long-term investments and Sharia compliant. The Bank is exposed to volatility in the price of the mutual funds it has on its books.
The direct share investments are held for an unspecified period of time. They may be sold in response to liquidity needs, or significant changes to equity prices. The Bank does not actively trade these investments.
The Bank's investments in mutual funds and direct shares are regularly marked-to-market and are not material.
Profit rate risk predominately resides in the Bank's assets rather than its liabilities. This is due to the nature of the Bank's balance sheet structure.
The following describes each sub-type of profit rate risk:
The Bank uses the Earnings-at-Risk (EaR) approach to measure the overall sensitivity to profit rate risk. The EaR perspective considers how changes in profit rate will affect a bank's reported earnings. This methodology focuses on the risk to earnings in the near term, typically the next 1 year. Fluctuations in profit rates generally have the greatest impact on reported earnings through changes in a bank's net financing income (that is, financing income less income paid on time investments and murabaha financing expense). It assesses the effect of 200bps parallel drop in market rates on expected run-off rate of assets at different tenors to determine possible decline in earnings.